Great Article on Getting Loose

1. Painting Loosely is a State of Mind. Before beginning a painting you must consciously think about loosening up. Tell yourself that this time you will approach the subject matter with reckless abandon. It is essential to be positive. Tell yourself that something wonderful and magical is about to happen - then make it happen!

2. Stand Up to Paint. Stand up to paint if you are able. Standing keeps you at arms length from the painting surface, and forces you to move your arms and shoulders as you paint, thus encouraging the loosening-up process. Make big, bold strokes across the paper or canvas and feel the exhilaration that it brings.

3. Always paint with Large Brushes. This is an absolute must. It is much easier to loosen up if you are using a large brush (2 inch or larger). A large brush makes you focus on painting the large shapes and discourages you from painting details. You should use a large brush until the painting is nearly complete. At this time your large shapes should be in and you should be ready to place any smaller shapes and calligraphy by using a small flat brush, round brush, or a rigger brush.

4. Use Plenty of Rich, Juicy Paint. Don't skimp on the paint! Don't be afraid to use lots of juicy, wonderful paint when you are painting. I can't tell you how many students are afraid to put out on their palette. You can't get color on the canvas if it's still in the container! Saturate your large brush with juicy pigment and splash it across the surface. You will be amazed how it automatically frees your mind and loosens up your approach. Plus, it just feels good!
